When I was 10 years old (July 1975) My family and I spent a few weeks in a beach house on the New Jersey shore. One night (around 9 pm) I went to bed. I laid down, closed my eyes for about a second, opened them and it was about 7 am the next morning. My grandmother was making breakfast. thought I was dreaming, and I pinched myself. The entire night went by in a second.
I felt that something awe inspiring happened that evening. I was filled with energy (excitement). I felt that I had the greatest night of my life then. I thought that because II was so tired, I fell into a coma. That would explain not having any dreams. I figured this is what happens sometimes.
But, I also felt nervous. Something tight, tension across my chest bothered me, slightly. I figured it would eventually go away and I didn't want to think about it.
Later on that day, I heard my mother cry out, "How did that knife get here?" It was a large kitchen-butcher knife lying on her bedroom floor. It was unexplained, and quickly dismissed. We never tried to solve the mystery. Eventually, it was forgotton.
For years, I often wondered what the feeling across my chest was. It was some kind of psychological stress and did not remember where it came from, until recently. I could never bring it up to the surface. When I tried to get in touch with it, it made me feel anxious. It was crazy, running, screaming feelings that were bottled up inside me.
Years later, my parents, little brother and I were in a car accident. The car skidded down an iced street, spinning all the way down a hill. My mother was screaming, my little brother slept through it(!) and I was exhilirated. I looked all around, trying to remember the experience, and there was something vaguely familiar with it. I said to myself, "Oh, he slept through this one" or something like that.
Anyhow, I was always interested in UFOs. I figured they were real, but I never believed that they were "abducting" us. My earliest memory about that was watching a tv show and I remembered my mother commenting on how scary their eyes looked. I agreed. I was also interested in the mind, religions, esp, etc.
Marks developed on my body one day. For about a week, two dark patches on the end of my penis grew darker and darker. I figured they were some kind of "delayed birth mark."
Then, 1 day, I was about 25-27, I decided to get back into UFO's. I figured a good place to start was renting the movie "Communion", which I avoided when it was out, but I didn't remember why.
I saw the movie in the middle of the night, alone, in my bedroom and I FREAKED out for a couple of weeks! The reason why I never saw it, because I knew I was going to have nightmares. The coming attractions showed little aliens walking around in this guys bedroom.
Throughout high school, I slept with a nightlight. In fact, I only slept with my back to the wall, so I can keep and eye on my room. Whenever I closed my eyes, I felt like there were people standing next to me, watching me. And every little tick and creak, woke me up and sent chills down my spine. I had no idea why, of course. I forced myself to sleep in the dark, much later on.
But the night I saw "Communion", I slept for about 2 hours with all the lights on and my hunting knife at my side. And I had no idea why.
I went to a bookstore to purchase the book, but, it read like a novel, and prefer reading non-fictional material. I found several books with hypnotherapy transcripts in them and purchased them. I could only read a few chapters at a time, and then dealt with the overwhelming feelings of dread and terror that peeled off of me, like the skin on an onion.
Somedays, if I read too much, I had to sleep in my living room.
The books said most abductees have missing time. I said that never happened to me, but then remember 1975 in NJ, and then I remembered there is no such thing as a dreamless sleep, even when you're really tired. The books also said most abductees have scars, at first said to myself, I don't have any scars, then I remembered my "delayed birth marks", and now all of the NON-abduction theories I had been creating to explain all the weird things about me, seemed ridiculous. Alien abduction made the most sense.
I tried to get hypnotized, but I had a difficult time relaxing and trusting the therapist. So, I never went back. I kept reading and less and less terror was peeling off of me.
One night, I woke from a nightmare, and I still had that feeling of dread when I went into my kitchen. I allowed some memories come to the surface.
I remembered my mother screaming and crying, "Go away!" and "what are you?!" That was what woke me up. I got out of bed and my mother kept screaming. My father ran into the kitchen of the beach house and I tried to ask him what's going on. He just told me to "Stay in here." I remembered his voice was cracking out of fear. He ran back to the bedroom carrying a large butcher knife. I looked around the room and saw my little brother sleeping through it. I was glad he was, because I was REALLY scared. I don't remember a bright light, but I do remember coming to the conclusion, that the police chased burglars into the house, and were now surrounding it and were shinning large spotlights on all the windows. This is all I remember from that episode.
I have another experience, that I dismissed as a weird dream. That is, a dream that had no meaning. But all dreams mean something. In this dream, I found a small 'beebee' like object in my physical neck. I'll upload it sometime.
Alien abductions are real. They are flesh and blood real. But, I understand why people "can't" believe in them.